Fondazione Ivo de Carneri ETS > Articles by: Michelangelo Carozzi
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Important mission to Pemba

From day 9 to April 19, 2015 important mission in the Island of Pemba Alessandra de Carozzi Carneri (President of the Foundation de Carneri Onlus), Giovanni Fantone (Member of the Board of Directors) and Marco Albonico (Member of the Scientific Committee). During

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Conference at the Mario Negri Institute – “Health aspects of globalization” (25.03.2015)

The Foundation, through its President Dr. Alessandra de Carneri Carozzi, will partecipate at the conference bringing the experience of twenty years of cooperation in the island of Pemba. Title of inervention “A close link between diseases and fundamental rights”. for

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Events in Trentino; University, Trentino territory news scenario of international development

The Foundation was invited by University of Trento to talk about his experience of twenty years in the world of cooperation and in particular of its projects in the Island of Pemba (in Tanzania). Event Date; March 19, 2015 from

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Series of books fronteretro

The Foundation would like to thank the large audience who attended the event last 18 March at the Library Sormani, for the launch of the book seriesfronteretro

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Agreement between Istituto Ivo de Carneri and our Foundation

The Foundation Ivo de Carneri Foundation and the Istituto Ivo de Carneri di Civezzano (Trento)  plan start a collaboration lasting and effective. In compliance with the guidelines of the curriculum, of course engage students and faculty of the Institute Ivo de

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Physiotherapy project

The physiotherapy project in the Hospital of Chake-Chake started. The goals project are: renovation and expansion of a new structure based on a pre-existing dilapidated and unusable, supply of equipment needed to perform the activities of physiotherapy, training, through a

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The island of Pemba has her first doctor!

Great satisfaction: the Island of Pemba is celebrating its first graduate in medicine! Ally Habib, born in 1971, thanks to the support of the Foundation Ivo de Carneri and the Compagnia di San Paolo, in late 2014 he graduated in

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1994-2014. Vent’anni insieme

Fondazione Ivo de Carneri event 14 dicembre 2014 – 7 gennaio 2015 Sala della Colonna – Palazzo Assessorile Cles (TN) Twenty years of activity described in a rich photographic journey that tells incisive experience in international cooperation also conducted in

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Convegno – Salute, malattie e cure nel Mondo globalizzato

Milano,lunedi 3 Novembre 2014 (in Via Palestro 2 /Sala Meili – III° Piano), la nostra Presidente Dott.ssa Alessandra Carozzi de Carneri parteciperà come relatrice al convegno organizzato dal Mario Negri Institute Alumni Association e dalla Società Svizzera Milano sotto il

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Il 2015 sta arrivando …

Per segnare i tuoi appuntamenti importanti, non può mancare il CALENDARIO 2015 della Fondazione. Con una piccola donazione di 10 €, riceverai la tua copia scrivendo a o chiamando lo 02.28900393 … ti daremo tutte le informazioni per riceverlo.

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