Sunday on 13 August 2017 The Italian newspaper “Il Sole24 ore” published a long review on “An Gorta Mòr – La Grande carestia irlandese” (1845-1850) belonging to fronteretro book series sponsored by Ivo de Carneri Foundation. For anyone who wants…
Sunday on 13 August 2017 The Italian newspaper “Il Sole24 ore” published a long review on “An Gorta Mòr – La Grande carestia irlandese” (1845-1850) belonging to fronteretro book series sponsored by Ivo de Carneri Foundation. For anyone who wants…
The Foundation Francesco Saverio Nitti of Melfi holded the Ivo de Carneri Foundation for the presentation of the book “La Divina Droga”. .Download event advertisement
The Carlo Urbani Association, under the patronage of the Chamber of Deputies, promotes “Carlo Urbani Award 2015” for two scholarships to be awarded to a doctor/nurse and a graduate biologist in the Marche Region or working within Marche Region health…
From 16th November to 4th December 2015 the Public Health Laboratory Ivo de Carneri in Pemba (Zanzibar, Tanzania) will host the training course in “Tropical Medicine and Global Health”, organized by Ivo de Carneri Foundation in partnership with University of…
Ivo de Carneri Foundation was invited to the event of May 29, 2015 in Milan entitled “Inner wheel women for happier children”.
For your summer order the new T-shirt of the Foundation. To order it click here
Dear All, it is ready the official Calendario2016 of the Foundation. You may order it by simply sending an email to The donation is from 10 € and you can choose to collect it in our events; Next November…
Two events in Milan, not to be missed: Nov 12-15 “Non Solo Mercatino” for your Christmas gifts, inside the headquarter of Unione Femminile Nazionale (Corso di Porta Nuova – MM Turati). You will find special gifts among antiques, tinga-tinga paintings,…
In concomitanza con “Expo 2015 – Nutrire il pianeta, energia per la vita”, il secondo volume di fronteretro è dedicato a un tema che molto ha a che fare con la nutrizione e la qualità del cibo: mais e pellagra…
La Fondazione Ivo de Carneri è lieta di invitarvi alla prima presentazione del secondo volume della collana fronteretro: Zea mays. Mays e pellagra nel Nord Italia tra fine Ottocento e inizio Novecento. Scritti di Cesare Lombroso, Pasquale Villari, Luigi Messedaglia…