Fondazione Ivo de Carneri ETS > About us > The Public Health Laboratory > ORGANIZATION


organizzazione_icoThe governing body of the PHL-IdC is the Scientific Commission, consisting of four members: two from the Ministry of Health of Zanzibar (MoH), and two from the Ivo de Carneri Foundation in Italy. The PHL–IdC is headed by a Director, nominated by the Commission and assisted by a Deputy Director. In charge of work and organization are the Chiefs of Laboratory Services, of Administration, and of Finance.
A Management Committee, made up of the PHL-IdC core staff, advises on administrative and organization issues. A Scientific Committee, composed of professional experts, advises on research and technical issues.

In charge (as of M)

Mohamed Saleh Jiddawi (PS MoH)
Malick A. Juma (GD MoH)
Sandra Carozzi (President IdCF)
Giovanni Fantone (Member of Board IdCF)
Director : Said Mohammed Ali, MSc

Chief of Laboratory: Shaali M. Ame, MSc

Chief of Administration: Abass Kassim Juma

Chief of Finance: Mussa Alawy Omar

Phl-IdC Staff
N. 1 Laboratory Scientist
N. 2 Laboratory Technologists
N. 7 Laboratory Technicians
N. 1 Nutritionist

Data management
N. 1 Head
N. 3 Data entry clerks

N. 1 Assistant Administrator
N. 1 Assistant Accountant
N. 1 Secretary
N. 1 Store keeper
N. 1 Assistant Store keeper

Supporting staff
N. 5 Cleaners and attendants
N. 3 Drivers
N. 3 Gardeners
N. 5 Watchman

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