Physiotherapy project

Pemba Island
The intervention is based primarily on:1) Renovation and expansion of a new structure based on a pre-existing dilapidated and unusable;2) Supply of equipment needed to perform the activities of physiotherapy;3) Training, through a program of Continuing Medical Education, physiotherapists on duty at the hospital;Goals:1) Awareness and training of mothers at Community level, which preventive and curative action of fundamental importance: the mothers in fact, if properly trained and aware, are the first to be able to intervene to correct some of the disability of newborns.2) Training of two experts in the community that might lead to Community Program of Rehabilitation (CBRP) aims to raise awareness on disability prevention and the district population (teachers, students, the disabled and families).3) Establishment of a team of competent contact in the management of the department that promotes the sustainability of the program at the end of the project and serve as a reference for NGOs and proponents for future training activities.
1 year (June 2014 - May 2015)
€ 60.000
- Cgil Caaf Nordest
- Translation project by (authors; Laura Martin and Francesca Montemagno)
click here
Redevelopment of the surgery department of the Hospital of Chake Chake
The project is a logical continuation of the project: "Redevelopment of the surgery department of the Hospital of Chake Chake (Pemba - Zanzibar)" started in 2007 by the Foundation. Within this program, the general strategy is to create, at the Hospital of the District of Chake Chake, a service of physiotherapy and rehabilitation efficient and well managed by the local health workers.In addition to actions for structural adjustment and equipping the premises for physiotherapy, the project intervenes with a program of Continuing Medical Education, forming personnel so they can better respond to cases of disability and at the same time promote better organizational development the department. It also wants to proceed with the awareness of the community through a Community Rehabilitation Program (CBRP) by focusing on prevention and education, particularly working with mothers, schools and agricultural cooperatives.

90% of the population lives within 5 kilometers away from a health center (PHCU) base, which should be responsible for the prevention, treatment and health education. In reality, the state of these centers is very poor due to lack of resources and personnel. The island of Pemba is also marginalized compared to the health system of the main island and in fact there is no specialized center.As for accidents and congenital disabilities, today the most serious cases to be reported at the Hospital General on the main island (Unguja), or Dar es Salaam. These transfers are very high costs, for which the majority of patients do not receive the necessary treatment time. E 'therefore a priority the need for an improvement of quality of service in the island. As for the health personnel, there is a general lack of qualified figures, both medical and nursing that. At the hospital in Chake Chake operates one local doctor in the surgery department, the 3 remaining Cuban doctors are volunteers (changed every two years) and Chinese (Hospital District Wete to several kilometers away from the district of Chake Chake . Distance that given the lack of public transport creates a major problem since, as often happens, it is urgent.